Climate quitting (2/2): The Path Forward for Employers

In today’s job market, sustainability is key to attracting Gen Z and Millennials. This blog explores “climate quitting” and how companies can address it by adopting sustainable practices, fostering transparency, supporting well-being, and implementing ethical finance strategies to retain top talent.

Climate quitting (2/2): The Path Forward for Employers

To understand more about the rising trend of climate quitting and the impact it’s having on the job market—such as how 20% of Gen Zs have already changed jobs due to environmental concerns—click here to read our previous blog, which delves deeper into this crucial issue.


In today's evolving job market, retaining and attracting young talent requires more than just competitive salaries and benefits. Gen Z and Millennials are increasingly driven by values of sustainability and social responsibility. Companies must align their practices with these values to stay relevant and appealing.

This blog outlines actionable steps that employers can take to create a more sustainable, inclusive, and supportive work environment that resonates with the priorities of the younger workforce.

The Path Forward for Employers

To retain and attract young talent, companies must align their practices with the sustainability values of Gen Z and Millennials.

Here are 5 actionable steps to look into:

1/ Commit to Sustainable Practices

Companies should provide subsidies for sustainable choices and integrate environmental sustainability into their core operations. Research by the World Resources Institute suggests that investing in sustainability is investing in the future of the workforce.

2/ Transparent and Inclusive Policies

Engage employees in decision-making processes, especially concerning the company’s charitable funds and sustainability initiatives. Transparency and inclusivity are key to building trust and loyalty. According to a Gallup survey, transparent companies are more likely to retain employees.

3/ Support for Employee Well-being

A commitment to employees' mental well-being and work-life balance is essential. Addressing these areas can mitigate burnout and improve overall job satisfaction. The American Psychological Association highlights that companies that prioritize employee well-being see higher productivity and reduced turnover.

4/ Adopt Sustainable Finance Strategies

Integrate ethical finance practices by investing in projects and initiatives that generate financial returns while delivering social and environmental benefits. This includes supporting green investments, sustainable development projects, and ethical financial practices that align with broader sustainability goals. According to Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever, impact finance isn’t just about the bottom line; it’s about making a difference.

Actionable Solutions for Employers

Here are some concrete steps employers can take to offer practical solutions: and provide actionable solutions for employers, here are some concrete steps they can take:

1/ Benchmark climate-friendly HR tools and resources for your company and its values

In this paragraph, we will provide actionable solutions for employers and companies to drive greater sustainability and meet the latest climate-friendly expectations and demands of employees.

a. Energy and Water Efficiency

Energy and water efficiency are crucial for a sustainable and cost-effective workplace. Implementing energy-efficient LED lighting, using smart thermostats, and equipping the office with ENERGY STAR-rated appliances can significantly reduce electricity consumption and operational costs. Additionally, installing low-flow faucets and toilets conserves water. Together, these practices create a more eco-friendly and economically efficient office environment. 

Philips Lighting provides a wide range of LED lighting products for businesses, and public spaces to improve people’s lives with energy-efficient and sustainable lighting solutions.

b. Waste Reduction

Waste reduction is vital for enhancing environmental sustainability and organizational efficiency. By setting up recycling programs for paper, plastic, glass, and electronics, and encouraging digital documentation and cloud storage, businesses can significantly reduce waste and paper use. Adding compost bins for organic waste in kitchen areas further helps divert food scraps from landfills. Together, these measures contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly workplace.

DocuSign offers e-signature and agreement cloud services to accelerate business processes and reduce paper use with digital transaction management. 

c. Sustainable Procurement

Sustainable procurement is key to an eco-friendly office. Using recycled paper, biodegradable pens, and furniture made from recycled or sustainably sourced materials supports environmental conservation and minimizes waste. Prioritizing these practices helps create a greener, more sustainable workplace aligned with environmental goals.

Staples Sustainable Earth Products provides a variety of eco-friendly office supplies and furniture to offer sustainable office products that help protect the environment.

Herman Miller supplies sustainable and ergonomic office furniture to create inspiring designs that improve people’s lives and support sustainable environments

d. Green Commuting

Green commuting is an essential strategy for reducing an organization's environmental impact. Promoting and facilitating carpooling among employees can significantly decrease the number of vehicles on the road, cutting down on emissions and traffic congestion. Offering subsidies or incentives for using public transportation encourages employees to opt for more sustainable travel options. Providing bike racks and shower facilities supports employees who choose to bike to work, making it a convenient and attractive alternative. These initiatives collectively contribute to a more sustainable commuting culture and a healthier environment.

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is deeply committed to green commuting by providing incentives for public transportation, supporting bike commuting with secure storage and showers, and promoting telecommuting and flexible work schedules to reduce their carbon footprint.

e. Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is crucial for the success of sustainability initiatives within an organization. Offering sustainability training sessions educates employees on eco-friendly practices and empowers them to make environmentally conscious decisions both at work and at home. Forming green teams, comprised of employees dedicated to implementing and promoting sustainability initiatives, fosters a collaborative environment where sustainability becomes a shared responsibility. These efforts not only enhance the organization's environmental impact but also build a culture of sustainability and collective action.

The Natural Step offers sustainability training and consulting for businesses and organizations to accelerate change toward a sustainable society.

f. Charity Giving Programs

Charity giving programs foster a culture of generosity and social responsibility. Establishing corporate philanthropy supports environmental and social causes, while employee matching gifts double the impact of individual donations. Volunteer grants fund non-profits where employees volunteer, and organizing charity events like fundraisers and donation matches engages the workforce. Payroll giving allows employees to donate a portion of their salary to selected charities, making regular contributions easy and impactful. These initiatives collectively enhance the company's social responsibility efforts and community involvement.

Benevity provides software to manage corporate giving, volunteering, and grant programs to make corporate giving programs easy and impactful.

VolunteerMatch provides a platform for finding volunteer opportunities and managing corporate volunteer programs to make it easy for good people and good causes to connect.

g. Financial Sustainability Benefits

Climate-friendly employee financial benefits can significantly promote sustainability. Offering "Green" 401K retirement plans, such as those from Carbon Collective or Sphere, focuses on sustainable investments. Providing prepaid credits for energy-efficient purchases helps employees make eco-friendly choices. Matching gift programs for social and climate causes encourage donations to impactful initiatives. Creating savings accounts that promote financial wellness and allow for impact investing supports employees in building emergency savings while contributing to environmental and social causes. These benefits collectively enhance both employee financial health and environmental responsibility. offers a comprehensive platform for helping employees with their wellness finance, making impact investments, and facilitating charitable donations. Mission is to empower employees and companies to drive more sustainability together.

As Graciela Peyré says, "Positive Finance is an innovative, attractive, and meaningful addition to any benefits package. We are excited about it for our current employees and for attracting new talent."

Carbon Collective offers provide climate-friendly retirement fund options which focus on sustainable and eco-conscious investments to force major corporations to transition and decarbonize faster.

Aspiration offers employees prepaid credits, such as an allowance from the employer, to buy energy-efficient products. This program can help employees track their expenses and make eco-friendly choices. 

h. Join 1% for the Planet and Become a B Corp

Joining 1% for the Planet and becoming a Certified B Corporation (B Corp) are powerful steps for companies committed to sustainability.

By joining 1% for the Planet, businesses pledge to donate at least 1% of annual sales to environmental causes, showcasing a tangible commitment to sustainability.

Becoming a B Corp involves meeting rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. This certification not only enhances a company's reputation but also aligns with the values of young professionals who prioritize ethical and sustainable practices.

Together, these initiatives can significantly boost employee morale, attract top talent, and position the company as a leader in corporate responsibility.

2/ Synchronize with Employees: their needs and their expectations for climate and social initiatives

Implementing new sustainability projects in the workplace requires a strategic and inclusive approach to ensure their success and acceptance among employees. By engaging employees throughout the process, companies can foster a culture of sustainability and drive meaningful change. Here are three key steps to consider when putting new sustainability initiatives in place:

  • Surveys: Regularly conduct surveys to gauge employee sentiment on sustainability initiatives and gather suggestions for improvement. This helps ensure that the projects align with employees' values and expectations, fostering greater engagement and support.
  • Pilot Programs: Implement pilot programs for new sustainability practices to test their effectiveness and gather employee feedback. Pilots allow for adjustments based on real-world experiences and ensure that the initiatives are practical and impactful before full-scale implementation.
  • Timeframes: Establish clear timelines for implementing sustainable practices and regularly update employees on progress. Transparent timeframes create a sense of accountability and momentum, keeping everyone informed and motivated to contribute to the sustainability goals.


Aligning corporate practices with the sustainability values of Gen Z and Millennials is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent. By committing to sustainable practices, fostering transparency, supporting employee well-being, and adopting ethical finance strategies, businesses can create a work environment that not only appeals to the younger workforce but also contributes positively to global environmental efforts. The future of work lies in sustainability, and the time to act is now.